Friday, April 11, 2008

1st day Bike to Work

First experience always has a special impression / taste.
First boy / girl friend, first child, first married hehehe (how may times d u want to married hah?), first blood (ah ini mah film).

Today is my 1st time bike to work. Yeah it's true Grogol - Pondok Indah in just 1 hour.
I started from Grogol where my bicycle is there at 5.50 and arrived here at 6.50. Then I got a shower. Here at WPI there are bicycle parking area and shower rooms. I done a survey ahead before decide to try bike to work. Nice Office building.
In the past (and sometimes still now) I feel my office is quite far from home. Now I realize it isnt matter about the distance but more about how you accept in your heart.

The climate in Jakarta isnt friendly i admit it. More in the middle of the day, too shiny. But I only need bike early morning and late in the afternoon which weather is no problem to me, unless it is rainning.

I think Jakarta has to start this for those who just need come office and go home. Less polution, no fuel, less traffic jam, no public transportation fee. Indeed, diffrent story for those live outsite city / bring baby / high mobility etc. I'm dreaming of cheap bicycle for middle low, parking area, bicycle lane hehehe . . .
Two thumbs up for Bike to Work Community. You never bike alone.

Hehehe I had a funny experience here when i entered the parking area in the basement.
There is an automatic boomgate where you have to stick your magnetic card to pass.
Usually i got no problem, but this time i sticked my card many times and the boomgate didn't want to move . . . Finally i realize my vehicle is too light for the gate to ackowlegde that there is something to pass . . . .Hahahaha

Thanks to brother Arto who inspire this activity since long time ago when he was assigned to Borneo. "Bro, dont let the bicycle die in home"

This time i put no pictures, i minimalized things in my backpack.

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