Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Langsung sebarin racun genjot ke orang2 seruangan kantor :))
Sayang yg kena cuma satu orang, yg emang uda beracun :D.
Acara ini merupakan rangkaian dari kegiatan Aksiku untuk Bumi yang disusun bersama Unilever, Kompas, Metro TV, Female Radio dan Pertamina.
Intinya ini acara kampanye / sosialisai memerangi Global Warming / Polusi / Sampah dkk.
Metode transportasi alternatif tanpa polusi dan BBM yaitu bersepeda di contohkan dalam acaranya funbike.
Di event ini ada stand mengenai bermacam2 pohon yang bisa menyerap polusi / racun kimia (formaldehid, . . .dst dkk wah kudunye ane foto aje ye, ni otak uda mulai masuk umur senja. . .)
Ada stand membuat lubang berpori untuk membantu penyerapan air, stand ttg daur ulang, macem-macem deh . . .
Good Event! Bravo!
Foto bersama bos Eko, buahahaha ratjoen ketemoe ratjoen.
Sepeda kayu
Solo Trip ke Cibubur
Hari Sabtu kemaren balas dendam "Hari ini gue mo gempor-gemporin genjot kreta angin"Berangkat uda rada siang jam 8 pagi dr Klender ke Cibubur menembus 3 kabupaten, Jakarta timur - Bekasi - Bogor hehehe, nyampe cibubur masi jam 9.30 an.
Jenguk bro Arto, sis Lid, n nephew Helen.
Diisiin bensin bagus ama tuan rumah 'nasi begana' (karena doi ogaahhhh nganterin ane pulang!)Komporin bro Arto dengan kreta anginnya.
Nggak berasa uda 11.30 an.
Showeran dulu biar nggak meleleh (matahari uda tinggi coy). Pelajarin rute balik lwt jalan belakang trus cabut.
Sebelum cabut foto dulu ah...
Toean dan Njonja Roemah djang baik hati tapi bingoeng
Ratjoen gendjot moelai menjebar
Menurut gue rute ini ok jg bro lbh sepi n bernuansa jalanan luar kota, lbh deket cuma memang ada segment jalanan rusaknya, ngoff road dulu ah.
Eh hujan gede, ditungguin 1 jam an reda dikit udah trobos aja, uda jam 14 soalnya. Sana sini genangan sampe Klender ada yg banjir wah kreta ane kudu langsung di semprot aer n di minyakin ulang nih. Ya udah jadinya diterusin langsung ke Grogol. Anyway bsk minggu mo partisipasi Green Festival pulak.
Sampe Grogol jam 4 sore. Memang sih cape bener.
Thank You bro Arto, Untung ente kasih ane bensin ok ditambah nasi murni (baru mateng maan, ane colek pertama . . .)
Jam 19 ke greja Stella Maris sambil merem2 bwahahaha.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Bike to Work Guide
Try Bicycle Commuting
This is your chance to try bicycling to work. It's efficient. It's economical. It's Healthy. It's good for the environment. And it's fashionable. Too often overlooked and underrated, the bicycle is the simplest, and most pleasurable way to get healthier while saving the environment.
Why Commute by Bike
Enjoy your commute
- arrive at work refreshed and full of energy; ride off stress after work
- take the long way home and ride through a park or along a local river
Stay Fit
- allows for inclusion of a daily workout
- it's less stressful than sitting in the car during traffic
- improves health
Fight Pollution
- automobiles pollute the ground, air, and water, as well as producing noise pollution
- burning fossil fuels contributes to global warming
Avoid traffic delays
- bypass traffic congestion by using off-road trails, bike lanes and wide curb lanes
- with parking difficulties and traffic congestion, commuting by bike is often faster
Save money
- automobile maintenance and fuel costs will decrease
- no need to pay for parking (and tickets)
- no need for a membership to a gym to workout
How to Commute by Bike
Sharing the road
- According to the law, bikes are vehicles and should be treated as such
- Riders should act accordingly
Signals and signs
- Obey all stop signs, traffic lights and lane markings
- Shoulder check before changing lanes or turning
- Use arm signals to indicate intentions (turns, lane changes)
- Identify hazards and adjust position on the roadway accordingly
- If the lane is narrow or you are going the same speed as the traffic, take the lane
- Be visible and predictable at all times
- Wear bright clothing and signal turns
- Always wear an approved bicycle helmet for protection in the event of a crash
Route choice
- Consider distance, traffic volume, road width, road condition and terrain
- Some routes may be longer but much more pleasant
Bike parking
- Try to find an indoor parking area
- Lock your bike to an immovable object in a highly visible area
- Ask your employer or building owner to provide safe, covered parking
Overcoming Bike Commuting Excuses
I'm out of shape
- Start slow
- Ride at an easy pace, it will get easier
It takes too long
- Trips of less than 5km usually take less time by bike
- The more you ride, the faster you will go
It's too far
- Ride to a co-worker's house; then carpool to work
- Ride to work and take public transportation home, then alternate the next day
My bike needs attention
- Have the bike tuned up by a reputable bike dealer
- Make sure that the bike is in good working order before starting to ride
There are no showers at work
- Ride to work at an easy pace to stay cool and dry
- Ride home at a fast pace to get a workout
- Get a discounted membership at nearby health club for showers only
I need to wear business attire
- Keep multiple sets of clothing at work
- Pack clothes and change at work
- Use pant clips, cover garments or wear splash pants
Adapted from: League of American Bicyclists, 2000
Friday, April 11, 2008
1st day Bike to Work
First boy / girl friend, first child, first married hehehe (how may times d u want to married hah?), first blood (ah ini mah film).
Today is my 1st time bike to work. Yeah it's true Grogol - Pondok Indah in just 1 hour.
I started from Grogol where my bicycle is there at 5.50 and arrived here at 6.50. Then I got a shower. Here at WPI there are bicycle parking area and shower rooms. I done a survey ahead before decide to try bike to work. Nice Office building.
In the past (and sometimes still now) I feel my office is quite far from home. Now I realize it isnt matter about the distance but more about how you accept in your heart.
The climate in Jakarta isnt friendly i admit it. More in the middle of the day, too shiny. But I only need bike early morning and late in the afternoon which weather is no problem to me, unless it is rainning.
I think Jakarta has to start this for those who just need come office and go home. Less polution, no fuel, less traffic jam, no public transportation fee. Indeed, diffrent story for those live outsite city / bring baby / high mobility etc. I'm dreaming of cheap bicycle for middle low, parking area, bicycle lane hehehe . . .
Two thumbs up for Bike to Work Community. You never bike alone.
Hehehe I had a funny experience here when i entered the parking area in the basement.
There is an automatic boomgate where you have to stick your magnetic card to pass.
Usually i got no problem, but this time i sticked my card many times and the boomgate didn't want to move . . . Finally i realize my vehicle is too light for the gate to ackowlegde that there is something to pass . . . .Hahahaha
Thanks to brother Arto who inspire this activity since long time ago when he was assigned to Borneo. "Bro, dont let the bicycle die in home"
This time i put no pictures, i minimalized things in my backpack.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hutan Pantai Indah Kapuk
Alkisah terdamparlah ane ke Pantai Indah Kapuk
Oleh Holy Spirit (ceeileeh . . .) ane ditunjukin gereja baru pecahan Stella Maris namanya Regina Caeli ada patung nya di depan mentereng banget deh kaga bakal kelewatan. Sayang ane kelewatan foto2 disini padahal uda sempat niat . . .
Trus udah lama ane mem-fikir-kan dimana sih tuh hutan bakau dan pantainya yg tergusur oleh pembangunan Pantai Indah Kapuk
akhirnya kali ini ane menemukannya . . . berikut foto2 nya . . .
ane menemukan jg banyak saudara tua ane dan ente2 . . .
Sempet juga ane berbincang dengan 2 dara manis aktivis konservasi alam, hmm kita perlu banyak org model gini nih . . . salut, meski masi daun muda :D tp tau banyak tentang flora dan fauna : bakau, monyet, burung, . . . seumur2 gue sering naek gunung . . . kebanyakan dr mrk cuman penikmat alam aje sama spt gue.
Ayo donk Man, mane jiwa konservasi alam lu yg dulu ???
Yuk Friends, kalo bukan kita siapa lagi, kalo bukan sekarang kapan lagi ?