Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yahoo Messenger on your Mobile Phone

It was started when my old friends (some are kindergarden up to senior high school) were chatting nicely while i have to leave office and go home because it was already late . . .

I do have a mobile messenger on my mobile phone but it could not have a confrence chatting.

The next day i arrived at office i search and get this freeware :
Now i not only i can chat every where and every time but also make and receive confrence chatting
This runs on Java platform, and need your GPRS / 3G active.
The tariff is very2 cheap for chatting since they are basically text.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ketemu AA di sekolahan

A, lu masih seperti dulu aje
Ceria, ngobol ama lu masih asik aje, sayang cuma sebentar

A, nggak ada tanda2 lu ubanan
Bodi lu masih semlehoi kaya dulu, dudududuh ge-er deh

A, anak lu juga ganteng deh
keliatannya juga anteng ngikutin bapanya bukannya elo :D

A, ayo donk A ,kalo lu mau, tambah lagi, gw doa-in spy tokcer deh
GBU ya A

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Liburan Lebaran di Batu Tapak

Finally my first family camp B-)

Pertama kali lihat di http://www.batutapak.com/ ane langsung tertarik. Maklum veteran :D

Sekarang kalo mo go camping or hiking sdh rada susah kumpulin temen2 berumur buahahaha,
Sedangkan kalo pergi sendirian nggak pede juga.

Areal kemping ini sangat civilized, aman, bersih, dan berfasilitas lengkap.
Jadi kasarnya bagi yg mo pergi cuman bawa baju doang jg bisa, tenda dan sleeping bag / matras bisa sewa (tapi bawa cash ya, gesek belon berlaku disini . . . apa udah?).
Cocok untuk family gathering dan barbeque party hehehe

Objek wisata alam selain melihat hamparan pegunungan dan lembah ya byk air terjun, mandi di sungai dan ke kawah ratu. Ane pribadi mo banget ke kawah ratu lagi, terakhir kesana mungkin udah belasan tahun yll. Kawahnya putih berbau belerang, ada sungainya, ada karpet lumutnya, pokoknya fantastis deh.
Sayang kemaren waktunya sempit dan belon ada temennya.

Tiba disana masih pagi tapi areal sdh ramai, rupanya Pak Yulius pemilik areal camping ini sdh mempunyai pelanggan tetap yg byk shg pilihan areal kemping sdh tidak byk lagi.

Next time i'll be here again. Soon, with all my konco2-s . . .

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Gunawan's Family Cabin

Thanks to Ika and the whole fam for their kindness

Live in Lampung 1990's

Salah satu pengalaman yg tak terlupakan

Once I lived in Suoh, Lampung many years ago, I happened to get stuck in this unkown, sleepy, little village, where almost nobody could even talk Indonesian language, where people still lived with no electricity, and only few of them had already had the privilege of seeing the moving thing called car.
I remember wandering through the rice fields at night looking at the stars in the sky, and listening to the crickets' songs. I remember trying to speak broken Javanese with the smiling people. I remember laughing out loud with the farmers while planting paddies in the fieds. I remember hiking through the hills and laying down on the quiet lake, captured the beauty in my heart. I remember thinking about the future and wondering about what kind of life I would have...
I remember those memories.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bersepeda perdana Benk2

Senangnya bersepeda baru seorang teman. Taukan kenapa framing fotonya nggak ditengah? Hehehe

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sambungan foto-foto reuni SMP BHK

Foto-foto reuni SMP BHK angkatan di sekitar kita

Ini Angkatan 85

Ini Angkatan 88

Ini Angkatan 88 lagi

Ini Angkatan 89 ya?

Ini guru2 dan suster2 nya